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  • Contributor > Stegall, Mildred, 1908-2014 (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Type > Text (remove)

11 results

  • 7719765 A 2 7/16/65 A 11/:;.ct/ot J. Edgar Hoover to Lee White ~ 11/:,..ifa1 S A/1-.J oJ-.1~ ~ memo MarvinWatson to the President, 11:48 PCI 1 mt65 r, 23-9 report 1e S 5 7f7t65 A 2-4 lette, J. Eagar11uuver to MeFYin¥Jats9n s 2
  • PRESERVATION COPY PRESERVATION COPY COPY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Bureau of Investigation October 22, 1964 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover today reported to President Johnson and Acting Attorney General Nicholas deB. Katzenbach
  • COPY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Bureau of Investigation October 22, 1964 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover today reported to President Johnson and Acting Attorney General Nicholas deB. Katzenbach that the FBI's extensive investigation
  • COPY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON 25, D.C. Jn Reply, Please Refer to FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE File No. OCTOBE 22, 1964 F I Director J. Edgar Hoover today reported to President Johnson and Acting
  • STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUR E AU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to File No. W A SHINGTON 25, D.C. FOR 1Mlv.Q\1)It\1I'E RELEASE OCTOBER 12, 1964. F'BI Director J . Edgar Hoover today reported to President Johnson and Actln
  • CflM~ctioLutber~i □ g ,le I t/(lt; ,-c93-=,- Cl -.9°37' i:e ~4aRiAl::1:1tROF l~iAg,JF, ~ 59a o 5 re Mertir,l::1:1ther l~il1g,dr. \\ }--z_~/o I ,9-~ ~ 58a c-Jc-r- o/-;)"'Jr J. Edgar Hoover to Marvin Watson cJ~ t1/1c-i/o I /V LT ~"' S:Za /oI
  • 09 me'!'o. ee\1er 1,oWtor FBI memorar1du11r-tt~ 9eI1ereleitwa~ienet Restmectio,, C 2 6121168 GKy-(near duplicate of document #5a) ~ C._, 'f .c,,1. A,L:r oa-i t letter 10 PCI 2 1 ~-t ~to-11-0!,~~),!.»~ 09a 7-0, J. Edgar Hoover
  • information which would identify the individuals or the group involved. SZC!tfi'f Group 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification DECLASSIFIED E.O. 12958, Sec. 3.6 Nl,.J OI -~35 By~ NARA,Date[fi-0) 'SECH::13'.P Honorable D. Moyers
  • 3I14t68 LBJ LIBRARY DOCUMENT WITHDRAWAL SHEET Page 2 of 3 Doc # DocType Date 07a 07b letter report Doc Info Classification J. Edgar Hoover to Mildred ~tegall ~ Restriction 3/14/68 11/r). °I /01 re Martin Luther King, Jr. San,n"ud 08
  • -, A0914805 0026 7016 PAFSC AAFSC Hq USAF(AFADA ) Wash OC 20330 COL HARTUNG, WALTER M, A0256128 0016' -4316 PAFSC AAFSC Hq USAF(AFPTR) Wash OC 20330 HINIKER, JEROME J, A0372810 9816 PAFSC Hq USAF(AFMSD) Wash OC 20330 HOOVER, JOSEPH S, A0907184
  • FROM: FOR Bill 3, 1964 THE RECORD: Moyers I today informed Mr. DeLoach that we have confidence in Mr. Hoover's ability to decide who, on the basis of the national security, should see the attached report. He replied that they would follow through